Onar Berrade

Javascript developer

specialised in React/Node

I love to learn code while
I am coding cool websites & platforms


First time I wrote code was in college, studying Marketing, back in 2012, and from that moment, I knew I wanted to dedicate myself to it.
Today, marketing is more technical than ever. From a simple email
to an internal tool to manage all campaigns, code is needed.

Throughout my career, I've been involved in projects both in Front-end and Back-end for a university, a marketing agency, a major pharmaceutical company, a promising startup, a big anti-virus corporation, and currently, at RatedPower.

Currently, my goal is to specialize as a web developer, applying all the knowledge and experience I've gained over the years.

When I'm not in front of VS Code, you can find me climbing or playing a good video game


Frontend / Backend

A beautiful portfolio for an amazing Designer. The web is filled with a lof of funny and smooth interaciotns.
  • NextJS
  • Sanity
  • Typescript
  • TailwindCSS